In today’s era of modern life, due to the increasing population and modern resources required to run life, thousands of trees are being cut every day, which is not only causing air pollution but also other serious problems like Unbalanced Environment, Drought, Extreme Heat, Depletion of wildlife, Serious Diseases etc. and the main reason for which is Lacking of Trees and Oxygen.

According to a research, today India needs about Five Hundred Crore new trees so that India can become completely clean & natural. That is why More Adventures & Travel not only believes in keeping nature green but also makes Plantation of Trees by its staff and the tourists traveling with them at various places and different locations so that they can be involved in preserving nature and their tourists can also get the virtue of planting the trees.

Our aim is to tell the people around Bundelkhand & India about the benefits of planting trees so that they also plant trees and take this campaign forward.


    • Reducing Climate Change – We are well aware that today we use many machines to make our lives pleasant which release a lot of pollutant gases like carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxide, ammonia, sulfur dioxide etc. The biggest advantage of planting trees is that they absorb these harmful gases and release oxygen which is most useful for human life, wildlife and nature.
    • Cooling Down The Roads – Due to the lack of trees, the roads remain very hot. By planting trees, the heat of the road gets absorbed by the shade and the temperature becomes 10 degrees lower.
    • Natural Air Conditioning – By planting trees strategically around our home, we can reduce the need for air conditioning to a great extent. This will not only reduce your expenses but will also reduce carbon dioxide and emissions from power plants.
    • Green Roof – By planting vegetation on the roof of the house through Green Roof, not only the house can be kept cool but it is a wonderful way to save money on electricity as well as provide environmental benefits to your community. Indoor trees not only have a calming effect, but they also act as natural air conditioning.
    • Save Water & Prevent Water Pollution – Besides providing shade, vegetation saves water by evaporating water slowly due to its cooling effect. Storm water can be full of phosphorus and nitrogen pollutants. Without trees, storm water flows into the ocean and water bodies without being filtered. Trees break up rainfall and allow water to penetrate the ground and seep into the soil. Therefore, they prevent storm water from polluting the ocean. Apart from trees, green structures like green roofs help in reducing the impacts of storm water.
    • Provide Shelter For Wildlife – Trees also contribute to promoting biodiversity as they become a source of food and natural habitat for wildlife and can nourish many Birds, Insects and Wildlife. The most commonly planted trees are oak and sycamore as they provide home to Birds, Squirrels and Bees.
    • Strengthening Soil – Trees are one of the best soil builders when it comes to agriculture. They act positively in many ways. They reduce soil erosion, increase fertility and help the soil to retain moisture. The fallen leaves of floods reduce the temperature of the soil and cause a lot of damage to the soil. The rotten leaves falling on the ground bring nutrients for the growth of the wonderful and promote the growth of beauty.
    • Erosion Control – Rain and wind are the two primary erosive forces that damage bare soil. As they fall naturally, raindrops gain power and speed that are strong enough to penetrate the soil after they hit the ground. On the other hand, if the land is dry, wind can cause considerable damage. Trees break up raindrops and reduce their strength, while protecting the soil as well as plants from the effects of wind.
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